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About Us

Panterra - first resonant - magnetic ,nature and nature luxury cosmetic .

Moments of happienss you can find in small things . We often experience such moments in nature , which does not ask anything from us , and offers so much.. 
Inspired by nature with great pleasure we work with precious flower essences, natural oils, tinctures and hydrolytes.Our tinctures and the balms we create are driven by the idea and created so that with one product-you can solve more problems. Yes, one product for more problems, not more products for one problem!


But that's not all ... Welcome to the world of first resonant - magnetic and natural luxury cosmetics!


Resonant because ...

The secret ingredient of all Panterra products is positive vibration, both on the emotional and the musical level.

Yes, at the musical level!
Our products are made manually, with great love and with the music of Bach, Chopin, Beethoven ... Our products are in the right sense of the word-magical, but this magic has started somewhat science .. You will wonder how and why?


Before you say ugly and rough words to someone, remember that two thirds of the human body is made up of water, and a Japanese scientist, Dr Masaru Emoto, has demonstrated that the words and emotions we refer to others cause changes in the molecular structure of the water.

Water samples in the tubes on which he worked on, on the one hand, were beautiful words, and these samples formed wonderful, correct crystals, and these others, with ugly and rude words, did not have the correct but dissolved, amorphous forms visible under the microscope. The same results were obtained when samples of distilled water were released by different types of music.

Those who played gentle and pleasant music, crystallizing, created fluffy, harmonious and beautiful shapes, and the patterns that were exposed to aggressive into rough music, such as heavy metal, created blurred, irregular and undefined crystalline structures.

Obviously, and thanks to Mr. Emot, it has been scientifically proven that it's important what we talk. It's very important that we are well-liked and surrounded by good musical vibrations while we create it. Because if one 'thank you, I love you' or 'fool, I hate you' on water samples in the tubes leave such consequences, imagine how they only affect seventy percent of our body that makes water? So, tell people about yourself that they are beautiful and that you love them. Say this every morning to your reflection in the mirror. It's not in vain. We do it!Therefore, do not forget about positive thoughts, nice and tender words, because the molecules of water in you will certainly not.

Magnetic because ...

Magnets as a remedy are mentioned in Atharva.

Ancient Egyptians knew the healing properties of the magnets and used them for the purpose of mummification.

The legendary beauty Cleopatra also used magnets. Cleopatra always carried a small magnet on her forehead - to preserve her beauty.

In many ancient civilizations it was believed that magnets had mystical properties. They used them as an amulet or spell for protection against illness.

Chinese doctors recognized the effect of the magnetic field on human health and used magnets in combination with acupuncture.

In the 16th century, the healing effect of the magnet became the subject of scientific research for the first time.

Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsius studied magnets and discovered their effect on human health. "Everyone can see that a magnet attracts iron, but a wise man has to see more than that.

I found that the magnet, besides its obvious power of attraction of the iron, has another, invisible power. "

We use this knowledge for the purpose of your beauty!

A high standard of selected ingredients and proven, successful formula and quality instead of quantity are simply implied in our luxurious, positive vibrating agents for care we create. Switch to natural and manual work. Get on the positive energy and Cruelty free!


If you move, a space with you will also be launched and this will be a wonderful tango of good vibration!


Jasmina Lechleitner & Stefan Vasiljević

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